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Granny’s House

Granny’s House

I remember the feeling of waking up in my grandmother’s orchard house as a child. The fragrance of coffee and breakfast exciting the air. The hum of grown up voices in kitchens and living rooms. The song of their laughter. The...



Here’s the thing…if you’re going to have a LTR, that means long term relationship, some shit is going to down, one day, sometime. And if you haven’t got the pre-training, the pre-set, the pro-tips that that help you establish a...

No Strings

No Strings

Today I want to talk to you about the power of moving in the direction of something that matters to you, even when you think you can’t even think about it.   You can’t think about it without all of the obstacles appearing...

Gratitude Platitude Pudding and Pie

Gratitude Platitude Pudding and Pie

As a culture, and maybe a world wide one, we have been over saturated with the concept of gratitude in recent years. Tales of how so and so lost everything in the crash or the fire or the flood, and then he got diagnosed with...

Can’t Buy Me

Can’t Buy Me

Today, if you are willing to entertain me, I am going to teach you how to go on a date with money. This will serve nicely if you are alone in your house right now, but happen to have a twenty in your wallet. JK. It’s...

Love Hangover

Love Hangover

Roses and chocolates and cards dripping with sugary declarations of affection. Starry-eyed dreams of someone to love and be loved by. Candle lit conversations, getting caught in the rain while drinking pina coladas and not being...

Avoidance Survival Guide

Avoidance Survival Guide

I recently wrote to you about avoidance; how and why it’s hard for us to talk about hard things in our relationships — for some of us chronically hard, and what we can do to make it easier to just say the thing (hint if you are...

Kings, Queens, and In-betweens

Kings, Queens, and In-betweens

His cape flies in the wind and dust, hooves thundering over the gritty earth beneath the dark of a waned moon. He finds her tethered to a tree, gown torn, her tresses tousled, a wildness to her delicate beauty that charges his...

We Are the Champions

We Are the Champions

Let me tell you about the secret sauce to relationship bliss. I mean to taking your relationship from good, or dreamy, or manageable, or up and down to next level. Championship. What is that, pray tell Erin? Championship is for...

Trust is a Complicated Affair

Trust is a Complicated Affair

This past week I have been having so many conversations with you about trust, in the spirit of which I am reposting this gem. Know that you are in my heart. I’m not sure what you’ll be doing all week, but I will be talking to...

Good on Paper

Good on Paper

We all have ideas of what we need in a potential partner. Often these ideas are formulated by past experiences, like what didn’t work last time, where it all went wrong. Yep we are analyzing, overanalyzing squeezing our big...

Six Tips For Crushing A First Date

Six Tips For Crushing A First Date

As I was jotting down these handy dandy tips for first dates, I realized that the same principles apply whether it’s your first time meeting, or your 500th. So lovers and beloveds, daters and seasoned couples, let’s crush it...