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Happy New Years

Happy New Years

I know, some of us aren’t ready. Some of us are like looking at the decorations, and the fridge full of leftovers, and we’re just not ready to give up the permission to indulge, in chocolate for breakfast, or time spent with...

Say Yes to the Dress

Say Yes to the Dress

This last week I have had so many beautiful ah ha moments with beloved clients as they gain clarity on what it is they truly want, what will bring them joy and how when we are in that kind of joy we’re not thinking about how we...

Champain Moments

Champain Moments

January. January. January. A time to restore our energy from the craziness of holidays. To reflect and rest and recuperate. Dial down our expectations. Create some emotional space for the seeds of newness to form *spins and...

To Do or Not to Do

To Do or Not to Do

When I was say 37 years old the other day I was rummaging through some keepsakes and found a teeny tiny fairy journal that I had written in at age 11. In addition to a memorandum of well executed and indicting arguments as to...